Marine Research Internship
Are you an enrolled univeristy student looking for a field station to conduct your own independent research project for your Bachelor or Masters thesis?
The marine research internship provides students the opportunity to conduct a research project of interest that aligns with our current projects. If your ideas align with our projects, then get in contact with us, preferably with a rough outline or research proposal. If we think your project has the potential for a publication, we will help you fund it (MSc students).
If you are a university student looking for an “exploratory” internship where you do not need to conduct your own research project then the marine conservation internship is for you.
Marine Research & Conservation Training
We run a 2-week training course for everyone that does our internship program regardless of diving level. The 2-week training programme aims to produce competent divers, seeking to work in marine conservation in tropical environments. You’ll have the tools to safely monitor, evaluate and conduct surveys to assess coral reef ecosystem health and resilience.
The training encompases both practical in-water application as well as presentations on coral reef ecology and current methododology to monitor marine ecosystems.
In the training program you will learn:
- Scientific diving skills – working buoyancy, navigation, transect deployment & methodology
- Introduction to coral reef ecology
- Fish identification & monitoring
- Coral identification & reef assessment
- Coral bleaching monitoring
- Coral predator monitoring
What will I do during an internship?
After completing the training program, as a research intern you will be focused on conducting your own research project which involves collecting/processing data and writing up a scientific report.
What is a typical day like?
No day ever looks the same in the tropics, but we generally work from 9am-4pm, with a luchbreak, 5 days a week. The day starts with a briefing about current developments, and to plan the day. After that we’ll go out for 1 dive, where we collect data, assist on current projects or get involved in conservation activities such as reef or beach clean ups. After lunch, it’s time to debrief, process data or work on your own personal project.
What does it cost?
The Marine Research internship can be between 6-12 weeks. For MSc students, please send us an email as longer internships are possible.
The first two weeks are always for training, which is why they cost us and you more.
Click on the Application and more information button below, for information on costs.
Who can apply?
This internship program is strictly for enrolled university students.
“Thanks to the guys, and the equipment available, I was able to collect reliable data for my thesis. It was hard work, but it got published in Marine Pollution Bulletin.”
“Sampling waste water in the rivulets was not always fun, but my resulting Master’s thesis was impressive enough to get me into my PhD program in Germany”